The principle of the nanometer infrared electric heating circle

Sort: Nanometer infrared energy-saving heating coil
Update:2012-9-17 10:36:27
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At present, such as injection molding machine, extrusion machine, plastic machinery auxiliary heating system there are two main ways of energy saving reconstruction: electric heating circle of energy saving and energy saving. As to which way is more efficient, here don't do analysis first, now mainly million source of professional plastic machinery energy-saving products - nanometer infrared electric heating circle do some explain why energy conservation:

The principle of the nanometer infrared electric heating circle

Improve the electro-thermal conversion (nano electric materials)

Improve the efficiency of heat transfer (specific wavelength infrared radiation transmission)

Reduce the heat loss (low coefficient of thermal insulating layer)

The realization of the nanometer infrared energy-saving electric heating circle (mainly from the analysis on product structure and features)

Nanometer infrared heating coil

Nanometer infrared electric heating circle structure analysis

The first layer of far-infrared coating

Heat conduction method: radiation (three way: contact, radiation and convection)

To produce a particular wavelength infrared (3.5 mu - 15 mu)

Specific objects of heat absorption wavelength selective (oral: gun barrel for steel, the 3.5 mu - 15 mu wavelengths of infrared absorption of more than 80%, technology is not good, material is wrong, coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch will be high temperature burst)

Fully automatic robot spraying, high temperature sintering

Spray evenly, high temperature does not burst

The second layer aluminum alloy heat conduction layer

Aluminum is a good conductor of heat (thermal conductivity)? , (oral: heat transfer coefficient is second only to silver and copper)

The third layer efficient nano electric heating

Electro-thermal conversion rate of 99% (concept of value, energy is conserved, but 1 kw calorific value is equal to 860 calories, different heating element may generate heat, visible light and noise)

Fully automatic robot spraying, high temperature sintering (thickness error of plus or minus 10 mu)

Material: microcrystalline glass, corundum, quartz

Spray evenly, high temperature burst (process is bad, material is wrong, coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch will be high temperature burst)

In the 800 ℃ high temperature drop directly into the water at room temperature without break

The fourth floor environmental protection heat insulation layer

Aerogel insulation materials

Coefficient of thermal conductivity: 0.015

Environmental protection, no peculiar smell, and any side effects

The surface temperature of 40-70 ℃

The fifth layer of stainless steel

0.8 mm thick

High density welding, ensure the intensity

The sixth layer of high temperature radiation protection coating

With low radiation coating (material) (oral: different material external radiation ability)

Heat resistance of 250 ℃

Hundred million source nanometer infrared electric heating circle by principle of electric heating circle, energy conservation, the use of unique energy saving electric heating circle structure design, finally can realize nanometer infrared electric heating circle the lowest energy saving more than 30%, at the same time of the electric heating circle environmental special insulation layer also guarantee electric heating coil surface temperature reduced to 40-70 ℃, workshop environment temperature to reduce the 3 ℃ 8 ℃, can effectively improve the working environment of workshop.

Hundred million source nanometer infrared electric heating circle design production and sales, has been committed to providing customers with the most perfect electric energy saving solutions. Company launched to the market in 2008 the first generation of nanometer infrared electric heating circle, at present has been upgraded to the fifth generation, in technology, driven by the rising through the efforts of the hundred million source people constantly, nanometer infrared electric heating circle will gradually replace ceramic heating, electromagnetic heating times as supporting manufacturers, energy conservation and transformation of the mainstream products.

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