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Details of "Yiyuan Industrial Insulation Cover for Injection Molding Machine Insulation Cover"

Time:2018/11/30 1:03:21   From::本站   Editer:yY986   

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硫化机保温 汽轮机保温套 燃气(蒸汽)轮机保温系统,船舶管道法兰保温套 可拆卸式挤出机料筒保温套 可拆卸式油桶保温套 可拆卸式涡轮增压器隔热罩 熔炼炉隔热保温套注塑机柔性保温套汽轮机保温被,硫化机隔热套,排气管隔热套化工厂保温套汽轮机保温套(火电、核电)、管道保温套、阀门保温套)低温防冻型海特茄克反应釜保温套 轮胎硫化机保温套 亿源量身定做工业软保温、注塑机陶瓷纤维保温罩,挤出机陶瓷纤维保温罩,吹膜机、造粒机陶瓷纤维保温罩,高温炉柔性快拆聚热保温套。 1.亿源保温罩 在注塑机应用中实际节省下来的电能按每度电峰谷平均价1元算,实际节省25%-30%的电费,每度电峰谷平均价合到0.7元。 2.亿源节能挤出机保温罩 挤出机,造粒机消耗的热能通常在热损失上流失了大量的电费,比注塑成型机消耗的无用功多,螺杆炮筒的长度决定了散热面积,大量无用功热耗损损失在正常生产中,亿源针对挤出机,造粒机热损耗25-32%的热损失,制定更适合挤出机,造粒机的节能方案,采用耐温1500度陶瓷纤维进行隔热保温,同时加厚隔热层,大程度减少能耗。 3.亿源管道保温罩 正对化工管道在寒冷的工作环境中流动性受到局限,需要保温到正常可流动性,保证生产能正常运行。 蒸汽管道,热油,热水管道除了解决工厂环境温度和工人操作的环境舒适性,更多的是保障生产安全,避免烫伤及意外发生。 当然节能是未来企业良性成长的重要标签,居于管道保温罩可拆卸,反复安装,软保温节能等优异性,大型化工企业,管道设备场合,供暖企业,汽轮机,大型船舶用管道等被规划,被采用。 4.亿源窑炉保温套 当温度升到一定的温值,升温越来越慢,1度都需要花上比初始升温更多一倍的时间,保温减少热损变得尤其重要,亿源窑炉保温套除了解决生产安全性,避免高温意外,不但节省了电能,加速了生产速度,直接获得的经济效益显而易见。
Vulcanizing machine heat preservation steam turbine heat preservation sleeve gas (steam) turbine heat preservation system, vessel pipeline flange heat preservation sleeve
Removable extruder barrel insulation sleeve removable oil drum insulation sleeve removable turbocharger heat shield
Melting furnace heat insulation sleeve injection molding machine flexible heat insulation sleeve steam turbine heat insulation quilt, vulcanizing machine heat insulation sleeve, exhaust pipe heat insulation sleeve chemical plant heat insulation sleeve steam turbine heat insulation sleeve (thermal power, nuclear power), pipe heat insulation sleeve, valve heat insulation sleeve) low temperature anti-freeze jacket haite jacket heat insulation sleeve tire vulcanizing machine heat insulation sleeve
Yiyuan tailor-made industrial soft insulation, injection molding machine ceramic fiber insulation cover, extruder ceramic fiber insulation cover, film blowing machine, granulator ceramic fiber insulation cover, high temperature furnace flexible quick release thermal insulation cover.
1. Yiyuan insulation cover
The actual energy saved in the application of injection molding machine is calculated at the average peak-valley price of 1 yuan per kilowatt hour, and the actual electricity cost is reduced by 25-30%, and the average peak-valley price per kilowatt hour is 0.7 yuan.
200 million yuan energy-saving extruder insulation cover
Granulating extrusion machine, the heat energy consumption is often lost a lot of electricity in the heat loss, consumes busywork, more than plastic injection molding machine screw determines the cooling area of the length of the gun barrel, a lot of busywork thermal wear loss in normal production, hundred million source for extruder, granulator heat loss of 25-32% of the heat loss, to develop more suitable for extruder, pelleting machine energy saving plan, 1500 degrees of heat-resistant ceramic fiber is adopted to improve the heat insulation, insulation layer at the same time, higher degree to reduce energy consumption.
3. Yiyuan pipeline insulation cover
In the cold working environment, the fluidity of the direct chemical pipeline is limited, so it needs to be kept warm to be fluidity, so as to ensure the normal operation of the production.
Steam pipeline, hot oil pipeline and hot water pipeline not only solve the environmental temperature of the factory and the environmental comfort of workers' operation, but also ensure the production safety and avoid scalds and accidents.
Of course, energy saving is an important label for the benign growth of enterprises in the future. It is featured by removable pipe insulation cover, repeated installation, soft insulation, energy saving and other advantages. Large chemical enterprises, occasions of pipeline equipment, heating enterprises, steam turbines and pipelines for large ships have been planned and adopted.
4. Yiyuan kiln insulation cover
Value when the temperature rises to a certain temperature, heating up more and more slow, 1 degree all need to spend more than the initial temperature of double time, thermal insulation to reduce heat loss becomes particularly important, hundred million source furnace insulation sleeve in addition to solve the production safety, avoid high temperature, not only saves electricity, speeding up the production speed, direct access to the economic benefit is obvious.

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